How will I know if Hypnobirthing is for me?

You'll never know unless you ask! I offer anyone that's interested in my courses a free 'discovery' call to answer their questions and find out whether it's something they're interested in.

When should I take a course?

Everybody is different, however most people take a course from 20+ weeks onwards. If you want to start earlier, or you've discovered Hypnobirthing later on in you're pregnancy, there's always time! I offer 'essentials' courses for those 34+ weeks.

Do I need any specific resources?

My course will give you everything you need.. plus some extra goodies at the end! I also have a 'borrow library' where you can do some extra reading on all things birth (if you'd like to)!

Will I have a pain free birth?

You absolutely can! Some women experience little / no pain, however not all births are pain free. Women often explain Hypnobirthing as supporting them to work with the sensations their body experiences, but of course how people perceive pain is subjective.

I don't have a birth partner, can I do it alone?

Absolutely! You and your baby have everything you need. I will support you with the knowledge to use your bodies own natural support and have confidence in its ability.. no partner required!

Do I have to have a home birth?

Hypnobirthing is for ALL births. Wherever and however, you choose. Hypnobirthing gives you the knowledge to make the decisions that are right for you and your baby. Birth is so much more than where it occurs.

Do I need someone to put my into Hypnosis?

Absolutely not! All hypnosis is self hypnosis. It is simply a 'day-dreamy' state that you choose to go in / come out of whenever you want or need to. It is not mind control, just a naturally occurring state that you drift in / out of daily.